j. laster

Some words are steep. A cliff edge that dares the speaker to leap.

A journey home.
j. laster

Other words bubble to the surface when you cannot sleep.

Northern insomnia.
j. laster

Or are found pressed like flowers between the pages in memory’s heftyç

Pages from long ago.
j. laster

Words can be spice or icing, a fortress wall that repels or a sound that entices.

j. laster

Wherever they come from, how ever they are packaged, words have power.

The Writer Elkhound scents the past.
j. laster

Alone or strung together like so many glittering lights on a string, words are a delivery system that can soothe, reassure, confuse, incite, explain, ignite.

j. laster

The choice is ours.

j. laster

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